Joshua Pothecary

Learning Game Development

Currently at Norwich University of the Arts



I have been interested in games design and development for a couple years, and have been playing games even longer.

I have interests in other parts of the tech industry and enjoy simply learning about software and hardware

I follow large industry developments closely  especially if it could directly affect me and my work/life 

About me 


I have been at Access Creative College for a year and a half.

While being there I have developed many skills and learned about the games industry and what goes into making a game

I have done work on a few projects, and while none of them have been made into a proper game yet, I have made many mechanics and showcases that could be used in future projects.



For the future, I want a career in the games industry. Preferbly in the role of a programmer.

I want to make games that i would love to play, and I want to have fun, making them.

I feel that I already am learning how to be a programmer quite well and would like to improve that through university

Selected Projects

I do a lot of unreal work in my own time, mainly creating one-off mechanics for projects

I have interest in 3D modelling and blender, so I have made a few models.


Get in touch with me by email:

See my CV here (new CV in progress)